Wednesday, August 27, 2008

World War One Journal/Newspaper article

Intro: As we have discussed in class, History is about people not just names and dates. I want you to see things from the perspective of those who were there. For World War One I want you to "step into their shoes"
Task: You will be visiting
Once you reach youtube, do a search for World War One. You will find dozens of different videos, 1. Watch a couple of them to get a feeling for the types of images you will be seeing. Make sure the videos and information they are providing is accurate (i.e. the Nazi's were not in WW1).
2. You are now to take on the "role" of either a newspaper journalist or a soldier fighting in the war.
3. You are to write either an article for your newspaper, or a letter home to your friends and family describing what you have seen and how you feel about what you have seen.
4. Post your response (at least 3 paragraphs) along with a link to the video you found most important to what you wrote.
5. Search the other classmates posts, find one you thought was interesting and make a post reflecting on it.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Checking in 5th Hour

Make a post below with your name and your blogger user name

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

World History Two

Welcome World History Two Students